Road signs give drivers and other road users valuable information when on the road. It is crucial to know the purpose and functions of signs. Drivers and pedestrians need to be aware of the safety standards that are in place for their own safety. Road signs communicate visually to minimize accidents and maintain orderliness on the road. Being responsible and a good abiding citizen is required and negligence is not an excuse, otherwise, it can be risky and might lead to serious consequences.
Even the most experienced drivers should not neglect a road sign. Same with new drivers and pedestrians. As a safety measure, road signs are placed at suitable locations to help vehicles avoid accidents and navigate through traffic. They have a variety of colors, shapes, and dimensions as drivers react more quickly on road signs visually than verbally. These symbols are simple, catchy, and easy to understand that even individuals who speak different languages know the meaning of them. Knowing the value of road signs is extremely significant that even a parent must educate their children so that they are aware when they are near their schools, or on the pedestrian lane. Teaching children how to define each sign would benefit them as they grow old and respect and following road rules is a must.
There are Standard Highway Signs and Markings for your guidance. The following are some different road signs categories that you may encounter while driving:

- Regulatory Signs – under this category have 4 subcategories and these are:
- Control – to provide you with highly detailed instructions
- Command – to instruct you on how and where to drive in a precise way
- Prohibition – to prevent you from driving in a particular way
- Reservation – to notify you that a specific lane or location may only be utilized by a specific type of vehicle
The given regulatory signs alert drivers to traffic rules or regulations.

- Road Layout – to notify you of changes in the road’s structure
- The direction of Movement – to inform you of anything coming up ahead
The given warning signs alert people to a problem that may not be obvious.

- Location – to inform you where exact places you are
- Route Markers/Direction – to give you information about the route you are traveling on.
- Tourism – to provide you with information about local attractions in the area and points of interest.
The given guide/directional signs provide information about routes and destinations, directions and distances, services, recreations and attractions, and other geographic and cultural information.

- Warning – it provides directions when a section of road is under construction or there is an occurrence disturbance like an accident scene.
- Prohibition – to notify you that you are temporarily restricted from driving in a specific way.
The given temporary signs alert drivers to unusual temporary situations such as detours, lane closures, road work zones, emergency diversion routes, or traffic-control personnel on the road.

There are also School Signs for the safety of students and everyone working at school or parents waiting for their kids.
There is a Manual of Traffic Signs for your reference and it is based on the MUTCD. Road signs are just more comprehensive and complicated to ensure they are visible at night. More details are at the Federal Highway Administration.
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